Get your Lawn Mower back from your Neighbor with iL Verify App

Have you ever wanted proof that you lent something of yours to someone else.  Your prayers have been answered because the iL Verify app ( makes it easy to keep track of your stuff.

Watch Chris easily assign his lawn mower to his buddy Steve thru the iL Verify app on his Android (or iPhone) device.

Yes we know we make silly videos but the point is clear.  If you have stuff that you lend out to other people, this is a great app to make sure you get it back and have proof.

Home Inventory App a must for Proof of Insurance

If you have homeowners insurance or renter insurance, the first thing your agent tells you is that you need a list (with pictures) of all your assets and then take it offsite.

The list is proof if they are stolen.  Keep it offsite in case of fire or another disaster.

The iL Verify App ( for your Android or Iphone is free for personal use and can save you in times of trouble.  The App is designed to track your assets and a bunch more including GPS if you want it.  Get out the video below.

Learn how to protect your personal assets at or download ilverify from your app store on your phone or tablet.

Protect your home or personal assets for free before a disaster occurs.